I've just gotten back from a wonderful little event at Sussex University, called Enterprising Engineers.
It's organised the luxuriantly bearded Jonathan Markwell of Inuda, who seems to have mastered the dual skills of fitting 36 hours into the working day and either attending or organising every digital media event in town. The format was good fun: nibbles and booze followed by a 3-person panel taking turns to talk for 10-20 minutes, and taking questions from the audience.
Tonight it was myself, Dan from Angry Amoeba, and Glenn from Madgex - all talking about products.
Dan held forth on his philosophies towards startups, how it's affected his working life, and finished with a demonstration of his product, Tails (a beautifully simple-looking bug tracking system).
Glenn followed up with a roundhouse presentation to the face, giving the back-story to Backnetwork, a product Madgex built to connect folks at events which is nowadays languishing without further development, but nonetheless earning its keep as a tool for bartering in exchange for sponsorship.
And then I wibbled somewhat - for my Macbook decided to crash, preventing me from showing the Ghost Detector video that should have introduced my skit. I rambled on about our experiences launching Ghosty in the US, then Flirtomatic and Twitchr: the unifying theme being the complexity and engineering problems which can be lurk behind even the inane, the lewd, or the playful.