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  • Hello you. I'm a 38-year old MSc student, studying Advanced Computer Science at Sussex University. I'm especially interested in Internet and mobile software, sensors and pervasive computing, user interfaces, and the process of developing great software.

    Before that I spent 11 years running Future Platforms, a software company I co-founded which makes lovely things for mobile phones, and which I sold in 2011.

    I read a lot, write here, and practice Aikido and airsoft. I live in Brighton, a seaside town on the south coast of the UK, with two cats and a clown.


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September 29, 2007


C. Enrique Ortiz

Good post Tom.

This debate of web vs. local is getting kind of old. Yet, it still need to be preached.

And you are right on the spot.

It is not about web vs local. It is about the right approach to the mobile application and the requirements. Some apps are fine being pure texting, or mobile web or local apps, or just one or two of those methods. For applications, there is an order to consider: 1) texting followed by 2) web followed by 3) local, all depending of course on the the level of richness and integration w/ the handset, and the application requirements -- for example, texting may no make sense at all for some applications due to the high number of back and forth interactions.

On the comment: "leading to small and large changes being introduced as part of regular updates," well, that is true for *any* software, local or web, where applicable changes will always be squeezed into a release. Sure deploying changes to web apps is much easier.

On the comment of "you need at least a stripped down mobile web version", yes, but it doesn't have to be stripped down -- different app views: i.e. text, mms, web, or local, all offer different user experiences, and it is about delivering the the best experience, as it applies to each method.

Now, we all agree that the best experience is offered by local applications. What we really need to figure out is how to make "provisioning/downloading" very very very simple. I believe people WILL download applications if they bring value. But the process today is just too painful still.

Anyways, ...great thoughts/feedback... right on the spot.


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